Sunday, March 29, 2009

YouTube References #1 - "Boom Goes The Dynamite"

Hey everyone,

I was studying for an upcoming Statistics exam, until I realized I could be here posting more interesting things about the YouTube world. So, I'm opening up another segment on the YouTube Guide I'd like to call, "YouTube References".

Sometimes, it's not even really YouTube references, it's Internet references... but, their popularity stems from YouTube and it's easily accessible through the site. This segment will help you understand references made that started through some viral video or shot video that reached massive popularity.

Today's reference is "Boom Goes The Dynamite". I guarantee you've heard it somewhere... Will Smith at the Academy Awards, Family Guy, Jon Stewart when he dissed Jim Cramer. It's a popular reference, but there are people who actually don't know where it comes from. I remember making the reference with friends while we were hanging out and my friends goes, "Oh yeah... that was that thing from Family Guy!" Turns out, they didn't know where it really came from and we sat down and watched the original video and they were dying in laughter.

So, anyway, here's the vid:

The victim of this Internet sensation is Brian Collins, who actually was filling in for a friend of his. Unfortunately (or fortunately), the telepromter went off right in the middle of the broadcast and there was no print for him to read off of. So, he did what he had to do... and improvise. Thus, this masterpiece of disaster that became a part of viral video glory.

Now, when you hear "Boom Goes The Dynamite", you'll know where it's from and have a genuine laugh about it.

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